Preliminary 9: I was curious enough to add a bit more things and fixes. There was a "broken image" in the "gallery" section. That's repaired now. An image has been added now to the "Main" section as well as the "Biography" section.
Preliminary 9 (Neville): Not set.
Preliminary 8: New, fantatsic updates are made yet again. The biography is improved very much with a "Moment with Neville" feature. It's similar to a "milestone" during his awesome carrer. All the characters are more clear now and easy to read. The demonstration reel has been modified now. Some of the 'Works' section's characters seem too dark and this has been modified now. Enjoy the website!
Preliminary 8 (Neville): Not set.
Preliminary 7: A few minor updates have been done to the resume. Since the HTML does not support whitespace, hyphens were used instead. Some typos were also resolved.
Preliminary 7 (Neville): Not set.
Preliminary 6: Another update here and a new section will come soon. It's Neville's resume so you can press the link below to view it. I will make it as part of the section below along with the others here.
Preliminary 6 (Neville): Not set.
Preliminary 5: Awesome! A huge work has been made, but will work more on the Biography section as it was in disorder previously. A new section, Film and Theatre Acting, has been added. It contains all about Neville Himself plus something on one of his work on the Film. I'll keep it up as I progress on! Browse away here!
Preliminary 5 (Neville): Not set.
Preliminary 4: My computer had a Tenga.3666 virus and I have attempted to clean it. Now for the important news: A nice update was made to the Photo Gallery. Take a look and you can select each one to show a larger view. The Biography will be the next one to update. Enjoy the site. Oh and select the "BACK" button on your browser to return to the main page.
Preliminary 4 (Neville): Not set.
Preliminary 3: The logo "The Noble Caplan Agency" has now been replaced with "Noble Caplan Abrahams" logo. The Links to Neville's work has been stretched now so that it has simpler access.
Preliminary 3 (Neville): Not set.
Preliminary 2: I just got the title to appear at the top. I will continue from top to bottom on this page. I have also moved the Links above so that it will have easier access to some of Neville's great features. Oh, sorry for the last time, the text was blended in with the color. Now it's better.
Preliminary 2 (Neville): Not set.
Preliminary 1: Hello! Welcome to Neville Edwards Website! I'm EHSC and I will be the webmaster form this point on. This website will be going under construction but please do take a look at Neville's work by hitting the links below. Stop on by anytime for updates that I will provide. You may also see any of Neville's news too whenever he will send me anything about him.
Preliminary 1 (Neville): Not set.
Press here for Neville's Resume